Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Andy Glantz Zenith-Design

Not alot of good common sense applies to small businesses that promote others of the same, or similar field. I personally think that rule may apply to some professions, but not here, and not me. Ive collected and made friends with several Makers who I respect as individuals, and as true artists.

Today I want to comment on the work of Andy Glantz,

Mr. Glantz recently published a very informative article in the annually published Woodwork Magagzine. The article was titled, "Cultivating your clients." This article was so profound to me in my early career as a maker that I was compelled to contact Mr. Glantz and express my appreciation for his knowledge.

As a artist Mr. Glantz works diligently to create sculptural furniture that breaks away from common boundaries. My words can only introduce those of you who have never seen his work. Viewing his work even from the online format speaks much louder than I could ever.

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Review of 7" Groz Front Vise Hardware

How fast can it sink?

By Thomas Woodworker from Greenville, Sc on 5/24/2010


1out of 5

Cons: Difficult To Use, Poor Grip, Flimsy

Best Uses: In The Yard

Describe Yourself: Professional

Primary use: Business

Difficult to install, a hollow flimsy handle, and the racking, My God the racking.....


Thursday, May 20, 2010

New Logos!

Brand spankin' new logos from

very cool, and a delight to work with!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Slide Show Addition

This was one of the most difficult things to do, Ive ever done. Now its here.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"Focal Point?"

After a long break away from the unmatched joys of inhaling sawdust, I'm glad to be back and present my latest. This piece is from my world of self motivated woodworking, and features many different species of wood. The original design was very art deco, but as one can see it leans much more toward Asian aesthetic. The end result is a conversation piece that tends toward more appearance rather than function. Although the interior is lined in Spanish Cedar providing a pleasing aroma to the lucky one who opens it.